Saturday, January 18Институт «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

Issue 2024. Volume 11. No. 4

Media Linguistics Journal. Volume 11. No. 4. 2024

Chief Editor
Lilia R. Duskaeva (Russia)

Executive Editor
Natalya A. Prokofeva (Russia)

Editorial board
S. Attardo (USA)
D. Brzozowska (Poland)
V. Z. Demjankov (Russia)
T. G. Dobrosklonskaya (Russia)
St. Gajda (Poland)
Zhang Huiqing (China)
D. Kępa-Figura (Poland)
I. M. Kobozeva (Russia)
V. I. Konkov (Russia)
M. I. Konyushkevich (Belarus)
G. A. Kopnina (Russia)
M. A. Kormilitsyna (Russia)
E. A. Kozhemjakin (Russia)
A. S. Puju (Russia)
V. A. Salimovsky (Russia)
T. V. Shmeleva (Russia)
K. Voltmer (UK)
H. Ja. Wasserman (South Africa)
M. Wojtak (Poland)


Yu. M. Konyaeva, V. K. Schiff (St. Petersburg, Russia)
On the problem of identifying speech markers for the classification of popular science media texts

G. A. Kopnina, I. A. Slavkina, G. A. Tsaturyan, A. N. Rowe (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Trigger statements in internet news discourse: Experimental research


T. L. Kaminskaia (Veliky Novgorod, Russia), E. A. Zvereva (Tambov, Russia), A. M. Shesterina (Moscow, Russia)
Network media resources of the exhibition “Russia” and representation of the symbolic capital of the territories

A. S. Sumskaya, Y. G. Islonova (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Semantic “portraits” of the Russian “media center” and “media periphery”: Lexical-statistical and ideographic analysis


T. B. Radbil (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
The expression “ne po-russki” (“not in Russian”) as a language embodiment of national values in domestic media speech (according to the newspaper corpuses data)

L. V. Selezneva, T. I. Mochalova, A. V. Shcherbakov, V. A. Gaputina (Moscow, Russia)
The role of linguistic and cultural realities in the formation of a company’s image


O. A. Selemeneva (Yelets, Russia)
Onomastic stratum of the tourist advertising text in the Russian periodicals (based on the material of the travelogue magazine “Russian Traveler”)