Thursday, January 23Институт «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

Principles Of Editorial Ethics

General Provisions

  1. The editorial policy of the scientific journal “Media Linguistics” is based on the desire to ensure the high quality of the materials published, as well as the transparency of publications. The scientific journal “Media Linguistics” accepts to publication articles reflecting the contribution of scientists to a new and promising scientific direction – media linguistics. Key objectives of the journal include an adequate reflection of the state of modern media linguistics as a branch of linguistics as well as coverage of the most interesting and significant scientific approaches to the language of the media. Preference is given to materials reflecting the latest results of humanitarian research in the field of the theory of the language of the mass media, based on various scientific paradigms, corresponding to the high requirements for the academic studies, and raising debatable issues. The editorial board does not depend on ideological views, which is evidenced by the breadth of scientific views demonstrated by the authors of the journal.
  2. The editorial board of the scientific journal “Media Linguistics” in its activities is guided by the principles of publishing ethics, formed by the international scientific community and reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (publicet​.org) and the International Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE, publicationethics​.org).
  3. Information about the editorial board of the journal, its editorial policy, directions of activities are published on the official website of the journal medialing​.ru.
  4. St. Petersburg State University is the founder and publisher of the scientific journal “Media Linguistics”. Relations between the editorial board and the Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University are based on the principles of editorial independence. The editorial board decides to publish articles without pressure from the owner of the publication, based solely on the scientific quality of the material.
  5. In case of conflicts decisions are taken at the meetings of the editorial board. If one of the parties to the conflict is a member of the editorial board, he does not vote when making a decision.

Editor’s Professional Ethics

  1. The editor undertakes to constantly improve the journal, ensure transparency of editorial activity at all stages.
  2. The editor decides to publish the manuscript based on the scientific significance of the publication, its compliance with the editorial policy of the publication, and the quality of its preparation.
  3. The editor assesses the contents of the manuscript based on freedom of opinion: regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status or political views of the author.
  4. The editor does not use unpublished data, being obtained from materials submitted for consideration, for personal purposes, does not transfer it to third parties without the written consent of the author. The ideas obtained during the editing of manuscripts are not used for personal purposes.
  5. Manuscripts are not published if there is reason to believe that they contain plagiarism.
  6. The editor considers any appeals of the authors concerning the reviewed or published articles, within three days the authors are given an answer.
  7. Requirements for the manuscripts, the procedure for reviewing, the publication policy, ethical principles of the editorial board are published on the official website of the journal. The editor monitors compliance with the established requirements for the manuscripts. The non-compliance of the provided material with the requirements is a sufficient reason for refusing to publish the material.
  8. The editor takes all reasonable measures to ensure the high quality of published materials, takes into account the opinion of reviewers when deciding on publication, justifies his decision in case of refusal to publish.
  9. The editor undertakes to provide an opportunity to expound the views of opponents, to justify the author's research position.
  10. If necessary, the editorial board publishes disclaimers, clarifications, corrections or apologies.

The professional ethics of the reviewer

  1. The manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document. It is not provided for review or discussion to third parties not authorized by the editorial staff of the magazine.
  2. The manuscript is subject to objective professional assessment. Personal criticism of the author is considered inadmissible.
  3. Unpublished data obtained from materials submitted for consideration are not used for personal purposes.
  4. If the reviewer considers himself or herself insufficiently competent to evaluate the manuscript or is unable to be completely objective due to certain circumstances, he notifies the editorial office thereof. The editorial board appoints another reviewer for the expert evaluation of this article.
  5. The reviewer makes decisions on the basis of factual analysis and gives evidence of his decision.
  6. The reviewer assists the author in improving the quality of the article proposed for publication.

Professional ethics of the author

  1. The author submits to the editorial board only original materials, which were not published before were not sent to the editor of another journal, where they are currently under consideration.
  2. The material provided for publication should contain reliable, original research results. It is inadmissible to use knowingly false information. All borrowed fragments should be accompanied by references to the author and primary sources. Plagiarism is considered unacceptable, including unformulated quotations or paraphrasing, as well as attribution of the results of someone else’s research.
  3. The contribution of all participants in the study should be objectively reflected in the manuscript submitted for publication.
  4. If inaccuracies are found in the manuscript both at the stage of its consideration or after publication, the author immediately notifies the editorial office thereof.