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(Vol. 11)
This article discusses the need to regulate the vast amount of empirical material that makes it possible to digitally process texts in dialogical communication. To systematize popular science communication, a set of speech markers has been identified that constitute the speech systematicity of popular science texts related to various trajectories of popularization of scientific knowledge: news, training, education, promotion, and entertainment. As a methodological basis, we use an integrated approach to analyzing textual materials, which involves: 1) manual marking of texts to determine their belonging to one of the trajectories of scientific popularization; 2) identification of the features of speech representation of scientific knowledge in each trajectory, through a description of denotation, mode, and communicative situation; 3) identification of markers that form the speech systematicity in texts of each trajectory of scientific popularization. We identify speech markers by their frequency of usage in media texts published in various sources. The analysis of the materials shows that the trajectories of scientific popularization differ in specific denotations, mode settings, and features of the communicative situation, leading to the frequency of certain objections. Manually selected speech markers for each popularization trajectory form metadata that is intended to be used to train text classification algorithms. These parameters allow for distinguishing between a wide range of empirical data, facilitating navigation, configuring information searches, filtering out spam, and identifying the advantages and disadvantages of interpreting scientific knowledge for the needs of the audience. This research helps to address shortcomings in the systematization of popular science texts in general and objections in particular.
№ 4
(Vol. 11)
The problem of the relationship between speech behavior and evoked emotions (“passions” according to M. V. Lomonosov) has been a topic of discussion in science since ancient times, but it has largely remained outside the field of linguistic research. The exception is works in the field of emotive linguistics, in which the impact of speech on a person is analyzed in a linguoecological aspect. This issue is particularly relevant for media linguistics, as advertising and other techniques that affect the emotional component of factual perception are increasingly present in news texts, serving as a “supporting pillar” for mass media discourse. The authors of this article present the results of a preliminary critical experiment conducted using the Doccano computer software, which aimed to study trigger statements in Internet news discourse. They consider statements triggering associative and emotional experiences that can contribute to rethinking an event or phenomenon and motivate them to commit an action or deed. The aim of the research is their complex linguistic description. As a result of the statistical analysis of the obtained database, several conclusions were drawn regarding the frequency of trigger statements depending on the evoked emotion, the degree of impact of these statements, and the possibility of identifying the most triggering media types of news discourse using the proposed methodology. Some contextual markers of trigger are indicated, and their classification is given depending on the induced emotion. The role of such markers is performed by certain verbal formulas (words, combinations of words or phrases) that are repeated in different trigger statements. Verbal formulas (markers) of trigger were identified based on the coincidence of the emotional reaction of at least three respondents. Thus, trigger statements in the Internet news discourse of a certain period of time are characterized in statistical, thematic and instrumental aspects.
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(Vol. 11)
The media content of the network resources of the exhibition- forum “Russia”, containing the symbolic capital of the territories, was studied using the example of three regions: Voronezh, Novgorod and Tambov. To achieve this goal, discursive and communicative- pragmatic approaches were used to take into account the linguistic and thematic aspects of the representation of the symbolic capital of territories in the general social field of virtual communication. Using the method of discourse analysis, based on the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, the authors draw attention to the concepts of “symbolic capital” and “cultural memory” in the context of territorial marketing carried out by media channels. The research issues are related to the implementation of the exhibition’s objective as the country’s flagship project to obtain image effects for Russian territories in the context of relying on domestic tourism and import substitution. It is noted that network media resources created to promote the exhibition as an event extended over time have become not only representatives of the symbolic capital of the territories, but also its generators through the use of interactive communication with the audience. It has been revealed that the symbolic capital of Russian territories with different tourism and resource potential is presented mainly through the following vectors: world-famous persons and characters (“geniuses of the locus”) associated with a given territory; artifacts that are given the status of territorial symbols; the latest technological developments and sites that shape ideas about the future. Epithets are widely used to demonstrate the uniqueness of objects and statistical data, as well as metaphorization. As part of engaging communication on network resources, territories are fighting at the symbolic level, first of all, for famous people who can become brands of different regions.
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(Vol. 11)
The study tests the concept of “media center — media periphery” by specifying ideas about media inequality in Russian territories. The purpose of the study is to identify semantic “portraits” of the Russian “media center” and “media periphery” by using lexical-statistical analysis of the intentions of text authors — representatives of institutional and civic journalism. The study was carried out in the Ural Federal District in 2022, a pivotal year for the world. The empirical base included 7,541 texts, of which 1,281 were addressed to the “media periphery” (48,532 words) and 6,260 — to the “media center” (354,795 words). The most frequent and “strong” vocabulary was identified in the text corpora. The analysis allowed us to combine “strong” keywords and phrases into lexical-semantic (ideographic) groups and formulate semantic “portraits” of the Ural media-central and media-peripheral territories. As a result, it was proven that the semantic core of the media-central territory was focused on business development, activities of government agencies, socio-political activity, and related communication, while the semantic core of media periphery was focused on the social sphere, healthcare, state subsidies of the territory, and cultural events. The intersection of the semantic fields “media center” and “media periphery” is manifested, first of all, through the themes of family relations, as well as through ideas about Russian statehood, media users’ recognition of the power of decisions of state structures. The priorities of media consumption in the media-central territory were associated with the digital media space, while those in the media periphery were associated with local television broadcasting in the network media space. Keywords: media inequality in Russia, media text, semantics, special military operation, lexical-statistical analysis.
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(Vol. 11)
The work, based on extensive textual material, substantiates and aprobates a research model of cognitive-discursive analysis of the language embodiment of national values in words — representatives of the conceptual field “Russian”, functioning in the domestic media speech, according to newspaper corpuses data — using the example of an expression not in Russian. The research material is the contexts of use of expressions not in Russian, extracted from the newspaper corpus as part of the Russian National Corpus. Based on the results of the analysis of corpus data, it is shown that by using expressions not in Russian to characterize speech actions, facts of excessive or unjustified use of foreign language borrowings, as well as facts of illiterate, stylistically careless use of the Russian language, are negatively assessed. It has also been established that the use of expression non-Russian to characterize non-speech actions, states, relationships, situations acts as a representative context through which in discourse, using the “by contradiction” method, certain signs of value autostereotypes of the “Russian world” can be identified. Particular attention is paid to the somewhat mythologized ideas of Russian people about Russianness, which fit well into the ancient archetypal value opposition OWN — ALIEN, inherent in the “naive model of the world” of any culture at any stage of its development. In general, the results obtained demonstrated that in the naive model of the Russian world of values, only speaking Russian or behaving in Russian is recognized as the only correct thing. It is concluded that the expression not in Russian as a speech or behavioral characteristic often has a reference specifically to the speech or behavior of Russians, but in some sense, from the point of view of the native speaker, to incorrect patterns of speech or behavior that deviate from the national ideal.
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(Vol. 11)
This article is devoted to the study of linguistic and cultural realities in the naming of commercial and government organizations and determining their role in shaping the image of companies. The relevance of the study is due to the importance of studying words-realities that have the most vivid national-cultural background as a set of additional information and associations related to national history and culture and known to all representatives of the linguocultural community. The study of modern business communication texts, which reveal a tendency to emphasize the national and cultural uniqueness of promotion objects, is of particular importance. The purpose of this study is to identify stereotypical ideas about Russian culture and describe their representation in the names of commercial and government organizations in order to identify linguistically valuable vocabulary. During the study, a sociolinguistic experiment was conducted, which consisted of an associative survey of 200 Russian and foreign citizens to update their ideas about Russian culture; comprehensive analysis of the most significant (culturally rich, philosophical) texts, dictionaries of different types data from the National Corpus of the Russian language, on the basis of which we selected 12 lexemes with national-cultural component (bear, matryoshka, samovar, Gzhel, felt boots, Khokhloma, garmon’, scarf, balalaika, cabbage soup, bast shoes). The method of analyzing the correlation relationships of selected lexemes with information provided by the electronic service of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, made it possible to create a card file of the names of various organizations that served as material for component, distributional, semantic, and linguocultural analysis. It has been established that linguistic and cultural realities participate in the formation of a positive image of the company, associatively reflecting in the name the character traits inherent in the Russian person, the cultural and historical experience of the people.
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(Vol. 11)
The article deals with the problem of the effectiveness of the advertising language of the subject area “Tourism”, specifically, with the peculiarity of the organization of advertising texts at the lexical level. The purpose of the study is to model the onomastic stratum of the national tourist advertising discourse as a result of the denotative classification of proper names and the definition of their functions. The paper analyzes the multigenre advertising content of a new periodical among the domestic media — the magazine “Russian Traveler”, from which 270 proprietary tokens were extracted in 2022‒2023. Three main methods were used in the interpretation and systematization of linguistic material: descriptive, contextual analysis and modeling. It is established that the structure of the onomastic stratum of the advertising texts of the travelogue “Russian Traveler” is formed by 13 domains: natural-physical toponymic, natural-anthropogenic toponymic, cultural-geographical toponymic, urban, anthroponymic, ethnonymic, ergonymic, biblionymic, mythological, pragmatonymic, eventonymic, fictonymic and iteronymic. According to the number of incoming proprietary units, the most numerous are natural-physical, natural-anthropogenic, cultural-geographical toponymic domains as well as urban, which is determined by the content of the studied travelogue magazine. The volume of onyms included in the listed classification taxa is approximately 73 % of the entire author’s index of examples. The names of the selected domains act as multifunctional units and perform attractive, informative-identifying, individualizing, expressive, evaluative-characterizing and other functions. It is noted that, interacting with each other in texts, proper names participate in the linguistic world modeling of reality in the addressee’s mind. The author comes to the conclusion that units of the reconstructed onomastic stratum are actively involved in creating the geocultural image — the topos of Russia as a geographically huge multi-confessional country with unique climatic conditions, original culture of the regions and rich historical past.