Tuesday, September 17Институт «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

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International Scientific Journal “Media Linguistics” was founded in 2014 and is published 4 times a year

The journal publishes articles reflecting scholars’ contribution to the prospective scientific direction – Media Linguistics.

The scientific edition also has the electronic version. The information about editor’s board, article submission guidelines for authors as well as PDF-versions of all the previous issues may freely be accessed in the Internet. Besides, there is a full text version of the journal on the site www​.elibrary​.ru through the RSEL (RISC) contract for uploading the full text versions of the journal “Media Linguistics” issues (regular updating). The information about the published articles is regularly and properly uploaded to the Russian Index of Scientific Citation system (Contract No. 310–05/2014 of 20.05.2014).

The journal founder is the Institute “High School of Journalism and Mass Communications”, Saint Petersburg State University; the publisher is Saint Petersburg State University. The journal is supported by the Media Linguistic Commission of the International Committee for Slavonic Studies. The journal has two versions – printed and electronic, both versions are registered in the International Center ISSN in Paris: ISSN 2312–0274 (print), eISSN 2312–296X (online). The journal “Media Linguistics” is included in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation RISC database, in the international database of journals ERIH PLUS and in SCOPUS database since 2021. Since 2023, the journal has been included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, and is also indexed in the CNKI — China National Knowledge Infrastructure database.

One of the journal activities are thematic issues. The most significant directions of authors’ researches published in the journal include: grammar of media speech, media stylistic, media speech criticism, language of Slav media, language of mass media, language of social communications, language of social networks, media psycholinguistics, media sociolinguistics, corpus and computational linguistics of media etc.

The editor's board reserves the right to refuse the papers which do not match the journal themes.

To submit the articles for publication, we ask you to register on the site and fill in the . Please, see the corresponding sections for all the information about the edition policy, editorial ethics, deadlines and order of article peer-reviews, article submission guidelines.

We invite experts on media linguistics for cooperation.