Friday, January 17Институт «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

2023. Volume 10, No. 3

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

Any migration shows the full range of emotional assessments of people, which often leads to behavioral destructions. Emotive linguomigratiology recognizes that emotions play a decisive role in the adaptation of the host linguoculture. Migration transforms communication, post-Soviet Russophony has a significant linguistic and cultural distance depending on the country of origin. The analysis of empirical material made it possible to distinguish between migration discourse and migrant-oriented discourses reflecting the problems of migration and migrants. The analysis of the emotive space of the post-Soviet migrant-oriented discourse is based on the theory of emotions and linguomigrationology, taking into account the principle of representativeness. This approach allows us to dissect the macrostructure of polycode migrant-oriented discourses of Armenia, the EU, Kazakhstan and Russia, interpret these discourses in the context of emotivity of different linguistic cultures, solving communicative tasks. The difference in the perception of ethnopsycholinguistic norms in migration processes contributes to the appearance of linguistic and cultural shock in all participants of migration, modeling the development of negative scenarios in both the releasing and the receiving society. The relevance of the proposed work is due to the growth of migration between the countries of Europe and Asia, which naturally increases the interest in studying the ethno-sociocultural characteristics of these countries. Analyzing another world through the prism of a foreign language means entering another culture with other speech and behavioral norms, causing changes in the value matrix of a linguistic personality. Gaps in the background knowledge of the host country become a source of emotively colored vocabulary in the speech of migrants. The article is written on the material of open sources of mass media. The article is intended for specialists in the field of migration, political science, linguistics, intercultural communication, history, psychology, sociology, journalism.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

The range of conflict markers in confrontational interaction is determined largely both by the situation provoking the collision and by the conditions for the communication implementation. The context of the conflict in this work was the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conditions for the conflict implementation became the virtual environment; Internet comment. The purpose of this reseach is to calculate the verbal and non-verbal markers of conflict speech behavior observed in Internet comments during the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this goal the methods of complex communicative-pragmatic analysis, linguostylistic analysis and contextual analysis were used. With the methods of statistical analysis the frequency of the indicated verbal and non-verbal markers manifestation was determined and the preferred speech means to implement authorial conflicting intention in the designated time period was established. The verbal markers are some pejoratives, colloquies, jargon, occasional words, zoo-metaphors, English-language intersperses, phraseological units, lexemes with negative connotation which characterize human mental development, contain an expressive negative assessment of health, level of education, ethnic, racial, national, social affiliation of the characterized person, negative nomination of persons from the point of view of the profession, origin, socially condemned activities, persons with non-actual behavior, dissonant views, ideas and positions, language tools with the semantic meaning of threat, isolation, vaccination, imperatives, parceled constructions, subjunctive, multiple questions, repetitions, incomplete sentences, parallel constructions. Non-verbal markers include text in capital letters, strikethrough text, erratives, Internet memes. These verbal and non-verbal markers ensure the implementation of strategies and tactics of the conflict speech behavior of communicants of this period; they are the key factors in constructing attitude among the audience.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

Scientific problems are posed: definitions of destructiveness in the aspect of correlation with related concepts (manipulativeness, illegality, toxicity, etc.); selection and systematization of criteria for destructive text. The solution of these problems is recognized as extremely important in the context of increasing threats to the national security of society and the state. The conceptual apparatus and methodology of linguistic research of a destructive text are also considered. The destructeme is interpreted as a key semantic unit of the text, which is determined based on the intention of destruction inherent in it and the corresponding purpose of influence, which find expression in its linguistic fabric. Linguistic parameterization of the destructive is defined by the authors of the article as the identification of verbal and nonverbal (in the case of its creolization) indicators of destructive meaning and their description (the first stage), as well as linguistic processing for subsequent automatic recognition (the second stage). The article examines the first stage of linguistic parameterization and offers a brief description of the destructive resources used in mass media texts, which trace the strategy of devaluing the achievements of the country and the historically significant personalities associated with them. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that this type of destructeme, being aimed at transforming the recipients’ worldview and destroying the objective perception of reality, poses a threat to the national security of the state, contributing in a certain context to the involvement of citizens in socially dangerous or potentially dangerous groups and communities. The method of linguistic parameterization of destructive text is in demand by modern applied linguistics and in the future should be specified in relation to the types of destructive texts correlated with the types of destructeme.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

The study is devoted to the political neologism “Putinversteher”. A comprehensive analysis of the language material was carried out: in addition to content analysis, the work contains wordformation, stylistic and semantic types of analysis of neologism based on media publications from the end of 2013 to 2018. In order to double-check and complete the data, in addition to the archival materials of the publications, corpora of news texts were used, primarily the Leipzig Corpora Collection and the corpora of the digital dictionary of the German language (Korpora im DWDS). The chronological framework of the study is determined by the historical and political context and the maximum frequency of mentions of the word and its derivatives in this time period. The selection of sources was carried out on the basis of the principles of media relevance in the system of the mass press and the number of mentions of the word. As part of the semantic analysis, the cognitive and pragmatic components of the meaning of the lexeme “Putinversteher” were determined and the interpretative field of the concept “understanding” was characterized. The study showed that the neologism “Putinversteher” is found mainly in the artistic and journalistic and analytical genres of journalism. The nominative function of the lexeme “Putinversteher” is complemented by significative, evaluative and expressive functions, which allows us to consider neologism as a metaphorical frame that conceptualizes a certain political vision. The use of neologism in a media text serves not only to enhance the expressiveness of the text, but also is a tool for shaping public opinion, when complex socio-political processes are “compressed” to a pre-established judgment, fixed in the meaning of the newly formed word. An inevitable consequence of the widespread use of such neologisms is the simplification of complex political phenomena, the creation and consolidation of certain stereotypes (frames) in relation to socio-political actors and the establishment of a legitimate ideology.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

The author explores the texts of Soviet periodicals for children and sets the task to reveal how science is represented in relation to state policy, as well as defining the semiotic resources that convey grown-ups’ social practices to children’s audience. Methodologically, the study builds on content analysis and discourse analysis of the publications drawn from the magazines “Pioneer” and “Kostyor”. It has been found that publications on science occupied an important place in the magazines, sections on science were regular, and most of them had exact and natural sciences as their subject. Specific features of representations have been discovered, including references to experts’ opinions, channeling of agonality, emotions and ideologies. The validity of scientific information provided was guaranteed by the expert status of the author or commentator: their professionalism and public recognition. The texts contained argumentation tactics that were typical of academic communication, and thus, grown-ups’ social practices were transferred to children’s magazines. The author claims that the rational sphere of science was discursively constructed as a source of emotional experience, specifically — the feeling of wonder. The factual component was complemented by the emotional modus and actualized through the lexical markers of wonder, evaluative elements and stylistic devices. The journals were used as an instrument of dialogue between the state and a younger generation, and the representations of scientific social practices contained markers of ideology. The author claims that convergence of scientific, media and political discourses is taking place in the process of representation of scientific practices. The resulting representations build axiological attitudes of a younger generation, maintain ideological guidelines, and determine a scientific and ideological worldview.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

The article is devoted to identifying a science media image speech representation’ features in the official online news publication of the Chelyabinsk region, covering the events of the industrial Russian region. The news media texts of the regional news portal served as the object of the study, selected by systematic sampling, relevant to the keyword “science”. The specific formation of science media image is analyzed by frequency and infrequent content analysis. The analysis’ unit is the frequent lexemes of the text corpus relevant to the topic of science. To implement frequency content analysis, automatic semantic processing is used, which allows to identify discursive features, nuclear and peripheral semantic constructions of the concept, transmitting frequent patterns of behavior and cultural and value orientations. The Miratext automatic semantic analysis program is used as a toolkit. Infrequent content analysis provides for the definition of linguistic and cognitive mechanisms by which the media image of science is presented, emotional and value characteristics, as a result of which significant semantic components included in the structure of the concept “science” are determined and, moreover, checks the accuracy of entering into the semantic structures of the concept, eliminates statistical errors of automatic semantic analysis. The analysis of the material suggests that the media coverage of the region’s scientific potential, the emotional background and the connotations should be taken into account. This stimulates the involvement, interest and increases the literacy of the regional reader in the development of regional science, as well as raises the prestige of the region. The explanatory function of media publications contributes to the adoption of state priorities in the field of science and the consolidation of value orientations in the linguistic consciousness of the reader. The conclusions present the identified features of the South Ural’ science media image.

№ 3
(Vol. 10)

One of the ways of intellectualization of modern media is a language game, the manifestation of which can be attributed to the transformation of the form and meaning of phraseological units. The purpose of this article is to study the functioning of transformed phraseological units in modern press. The research is carried out on the material of phraseological units that have undergone structural and semantic transformations. The material was extracted from the modern press. The research is based on the use of introspective, interpretive and contextual methods of analysis, as well as the reception of quantitative processing of the material. The analysis has shown that in the modern press, the main methods of phraseological transformation are literalization, double actualization and contamination of meanings, replacement, addition or elimination of a component. Among them, the most common is double actualization. Through this technique, the journalist places the phraseologies in the context in which the direct and metaphorical meaning of its components are realized simultaneously. The journalist’s tendency to transform phraseological units to solve stylistic problems is due to his creative thinking and is explained by the desire for a language game with the addressee. As a rule, this phenomenon is observed in analytical articles. Creatively transformed phraseological units are most often found in the heading complex as a strong position of the text. The stylistic affiliation of transformed phraseological units is determined by the characteristics of the press. In newspapers published for a mass audience, phraseological units that are characteristic of colloquial speech and vernacular are often used. In publications for the intellectual addressee, phraseological units peculiar to book speech are regularly found. The transformation of stable expressions is an active, but still insufficiently studied, speech phenomenon.

№ 2
(Vol. 10)

The development and improvement of communication strategies of the information society through the formation of interactive network communication and the activation of interactive interaction processes in the media sphere make the issue of studying the potential of interactive communication in the aspect of community formation especially relevant. The research task of the article is to analyze the interactive components of media content and the communicative practices of building a dialogic model of communication as a means of forming a community. The study is based on the empirical material of the media community focused on the audience of the most popular channels for broadcasting information in the media environment — the Afisha Daily entertainment web platform and popular channels of the Russianspeaking sector YouTube. The authors of the article used textological, comparative-typological and historical-functional methods to analyze these platforms. This technique makes it possible to carry out a productive study of the forms of increasing the interactivity of the audience of the media community in the content and technical aspects. In the course of studying intra-text and out-of-text forms of increasing interactivity within each aspect, a conclusion was made about the main conditions for the successful functioning of the media community: positioning one’s own values for the audience, building storytelling and personalized communication and etc. As a result, interactive communication in a network environment acquires obvious features in terms of a whole range of parameters that distinguish it from linear communication: psychological dynamics, semiotic specialization, social distance and others. All these parameters stimulate the creation of a common field of communication and form media communities, which subsequently turn into real ones, which confirms the authors’ conviction that the network environment is a favorable platform for the formation of a community.