Friday, February 14Институт «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

Publications Submission Regulations

Technical Regulations

1. Requirements for the volume and content of the articles

1.1. Manuscripts should be in Russian or English language only.

1.2. Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files (.DOCX or .DOC format). File name should contain the author’s surname, underscore and number of characters rounded to hundreds, e.g. Smith_52300.docx.

1.3. Maximal size of manuscript — 80,000 characters including spaces (2 copyright sheet).

1.4. The article should contain the following parts:

1.4.1. problem statement;

1.4.2. background, the history of the issue, scientific context;

1.4.3. the description of the research methods;

1.4.4. the analysis of the materials;

1.4.5. research results;

1.4.6. conclusions in at least 2 paragraphs.

1.5. Reference list should include no less than 15 sources. 70% of them are publications of seven last years.

1.6. There should be no more than 2 self-references.

1.7. The conditions for publishing the article are:

1.7.1. relevance of the topic;

1.7.2. theoretical and practical implications of the results presented;

1.7.3. conformance to the high standards of scientific publication;

1.7.4. novelty of the concept, originality of the approach, structural and compositional completeness of the text.

2. General requirements about formatting of the text including heading section and reference list

2.1. Paper size: A4.

2.2. Orientation: Portrait.

2.3. Margins: Left margin — 3 cm, all others — 2 cm each.

2.4. Font: Times New Roman.

2.5. Font size: 14 pt for main text and 12 pt for heading section, references and other information.

2.6. Text alignment: Justified.

2.7. First line indent: 1,25 pt.

2.8. Line spacing: 1,5 pt.

2.9. Paragraph spacing: 0 pt (there is no need to increase paragraph spacing or leave empty lines between paragraphs).

3. General structure of the article

3.1. For articles in English language:

3.1.1. heading section in English with UDC-index in front,

3.1.2. main text,

3.1.3. reference list in English (heading “References”),

3.1.4. author’s information in English (heading “Author’s information:”),

3.1.5. heading section in Russian without UDC,

3.1.6. author’s information in Russian (heading “Кон­такт­ная информация:”).

3.2. For articles in Russian language:

3.2.1. heading section in Russian with УДК- index in front,

3.2.2. main text,

3.2.3. reference list in Russian (heading “Лите­ра­ту­ра”),

3.2.4. author’s information in Russian (heading “Кон­такт­ная информация:”),

3.2.5. heading section in English without УДК,

3.2.6. reference list in English (heading “References”),

3.2.7. author’s information in English (heading “Author’s information:”).

4. Heading section (index, author’s information, heading, abstract, keywords)

4.1. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 pt except heading and author’s name (see below).

4.2. Heading section should have the following form:

4.2.1. UDC-index (УДК for articles in Russian). Look http://​www​.udcsummary​.info for Universal Decimal Classification,

4.2.2. empty line,

4.2.3. heading of article — in Bold, font size 14 pt,

4.2.4. empty line,

4.2.5. author’s initials and surname — in Italic, font size 14 pt,

    • there must be same spelling of author’s name in all cases (issue contents, heading, author’s information…),
    • more than two authors are allowed only if the volume of the article exceeds 40 thousand characters; in the notes placed at the end of the article (after the Conclusion), it is necessary to indicate which sections each of the co-authors wrote,

4.2.6. empty line,

4.2.7. author’s occupation,

4.2.8. author’s business address:

4.2.9. house number, street, town, postcode, country for heading section in English and country, postcode, town, street, house number for heading section in Russian. Indicate the address of author’s department (unit) if it is different from the address of company (university, school…),

4.2.10. empty line,

4.2.11. one paragraph abstract. The size should be 250–300 words for an abstract in English and 200–250 words for one in Russian,

    • there must be no multiple paragraphs, numbered or bulleted lists and bibliographic references,
    • use of abbreviations except common ones (i.e., e.g., etc…) should be avoided,

4.2.12. empty line,

4.2.13. no more than 5 keywords. Heading “Keywords” or “Клю­че­вые сло­ва” — in Italic. The keywords should be given in their initial form,

    • quotation marks are not allowed in keywords (italics can be used instead),
    • keywords should not contain complex phrases, abbreviations and formulas.

5. Main text

5.1. It is advisable to avoid the use of tables and diagrams. If necessary, any illustration should be submitted as a separate file in graphical format JPEG, PNG or GIF. The file name should indicate the number of the illustration in the text. The text should refer to the attached illustration.

5.2. Italics inside the main text is allowed to highlight text examples only. Key points or semantic accents can be highlighted Expanded or in Bold.

5.3. Do not use hyphen (“-”) instead of dash (“–”). Use short dash (“–”) (Ctrl + “-” on the numeric keypad).

5.4. Use non-breaking space (Ctrl + Shift + Space) if necessary.

5.5. Lists inside of the text should be formed strictly in accordance with punctuation rules.

5.6. Only footnotes (no endnotes) can be used if necessary.

6. Formatting of Citations, “References” and “Лите­ра­ту­ра” sections

6.1. Only In-text Citation is allowed. Citations should have the following form [Name Year: page], or [Name Year]. E.g. [Morrison 2007: 57]. When citing more than one work by the same author of the same year, letters should be used to differentiate them: [Bromberg 2008a], [Bromberg 2008b].

6.2. Reference list should contain only the books, articles, web pages etc… that are cited in the text of the manuscript. Unreferenced sources are not allowed.

6.3. Reference list should be arranged alphabetically by author’s surname. If a source has no author, it should be cited and included in the alphabetical list by title.

6.4. The points of reference list should be formatted in accordance with APA Style, see at the end for examples and see APA Guide for more information.

6.4.1. Font size 12 pt, heading “References” in Bold.

6.4.2. Only necessary (see below) elements of the bibliographic description should be included. The whole number of pages in the book should not be included.

6.4.3. The name of book or journal should be in Italic.

6.4.4. The sequence of elements of the bibliographic description of articles according APA Style is the following: Surname, N. N. (year). Article name. Journal name, volume (issue), page–page.

6.4.5. The same for books: Surname, N. N. (year). Book name. City: Publishing.

6.4.6. The same for electronic resources: Surname, N. N. (year). Heading. Retrieved from (Элек­трон­ный ресурс) http://address or Heading [Web-page]. (year). Retrieved from (Элек­трон­ный ресурс) http://address (All the Internet-links should be checked.)

6.4.7. It is advisable to avoid citing schoolbooks and dissertation abstracts.

6.5. “References” section.

6.5.1. In general, all names of sources should be transliterated to Latin or translated to English. The exact description for different cases follows below. The list should be rearranged. Transliteration should be made according Library of Congress rules available at https://​translit​.net/​r​u​/​lc/ 

    • It is allowed to violate transliteration rules for the names of authors if they insist on the special spelling of their names adopted by them.

6.5.2. If the item was published in a language using a non-Latin script system (Cyrillic, hieroglyphs, etc…), an indication of original language of publication should be added at the end: (In Russian), (In Chinese). In all other cases the indication of language should never appear.

6.5.3. For articles from journals, collections of papers and conferences proceedings:

    • transliteration of name(s) of author(s), translation of name of article, transliteration of name of journal/collection;
    • the following abbreviation are recommended: vol., no., pp. (for volume, number, pages);
    • only name of publishing house should be transliterated. Abbreviation “Publ.” is recommended (e.g. Nauka Publ.).

6.5.4. For books:

    • transliteration of name(s) of author(s), translation of name of book;
    • other rules are the same as for articles.

6.6. “Лите­ра­ту­ра” section.

6.6.1. All sources should be descripted in their original languages.

6.6.2.The list should be arranged as follows:

    • all Cyrillic-based items, arranged alphabetically,
    • all Latin-based items, arranged alphabetically,
    • others.

6.7. It is preferable to add DOI of papers at the end if it is available.

7. Author’s information

7.1. Author’s information in English includes first name, first letter(s) of middle name(s), last name, long dash, academic degree, rank, e‑mail. Heading “Author’s information”.

7.2. Author’s information in Russian includes first name, middle name, last name, long dash, academic degree, rank, e‑mail. Heading “Кон­такт­ная информация”.

7.3. Abbreviations of academic degrees and ranks in English:

7.3.1. PhD,

7.3.2. Dr. Sci. in Philology,

7.3.3. Professor,

7.3.4. Associate Professor.

7.4. Abbreviations of academic degrees and ranks in Russian:

7.4.1. д‑р / канд. филол. наук,

7.4.2. д‑р / канд. искусствоведения,

7.4.3. д‑р / канд. ист. наук,

7.4.4. проф.;

7.4.5. доц.

8. Tables and illustrations

8.1. All the illustrations should be submitted as separate files in one of common graphical format JPEG (JPG), PNG or GIF each.

8.2. Illustrations must be of proper quality, 300 dpi resolution at least.

8.3. Computer’s screenshots should be well cropped.

8.4. When borrowing illustrations their source must be indicated.

8.5. Tables should be in MS-Excel- or MS-Word-format. Tables as illustration in graphical format are also allowed.

8.6. The following filenames for illustrations and tables are recommended:

8.6.1. _fig_

8.6.2. _tab_