Суббота, 18 январяИнститут «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ


The International scientific and practical conference “The World in Pictures and Phraseology” took place on November 24th–26th, 2016 in the oldest university in the Czech Republic — Charles University in Prague. The professor of the pedagogical faculty of Charles University in Prague professor Ladislav Yanovets became the main organizer and the ideological inspirer of this conference. 

The conference “The World in Pictures and Phraseology” was held at Charles University in Prague for the first time, however, the relevance of the declared perspective and the interest of the researchers from the different countries gives grounds to assume that this scientific meeting will not become the last.

The conference brought together the participants from the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, China and Kazakhstan. In the program of the conference the various aspects of the phraseology studying were presented: the methods of the phraseology studying, the phraseology in the new and traditional media, the phraseology in the literature, the phraseology and discourse, the phraseological units in the language pictures of the world, the reflection of the stereotypic national representations in the phraseology, the phraseology and communication and others. At the plenary meeting the representatives of the university addressed the participants with welcome speeches and wished the fruitful work within the walls of Charles University in Prague.

As one of the main vectors of discussion within the conference the perspective connected with the functioning of the phraseological units in mass communication was planned. The reports on this perspective were submitted on the sections “The Phraseology in New and Traditional Media” and “The Phraseology and Discourse.”

Within the first of them the reports which affected various aspects of the use and functioning of phraseological units in the media text were given. The comparative aspect in the semantics studying of the phraseological units was affected in A. S. Makarov’s report “Change of semantics of gallicism winged expressions in the modern Russian and French journalism”. V. Barbazyuk raised the question of the symbolical transformation of the figurative units of speech in publicist texts. K. Kiuru covered a problem of a steady visual component in a modern picture of the world. B. Junkova in the report told about the functioning of the phraseological units in the modern Internet discussions.

The representatives of the St Petersburg school of media linguistics considering the phraseological unit as a text element became the participants of the section “Phraseology and Discourse.” N. A. Prokofieva’s report opened a meeting of the section and was devoted to consideration of the phraseology metaphors in the journalist text creating, the idea about appealing to the phraseological resources because of phatic mass media communication was proved. Yu. M. Konyaeva’s report was devoted to the transformation of phraseological units in Russian media on the material of portrait publications, from a position of intentional stylistics speaker investigated the potential of the transformed phraseological units in the media texts about well-known creative personality. E. A. Shcheglova’s report about phraseological features in the traveling sketches of the 2nd half of the 19th century (on the example of the traveling sketches “The Frigate Pallada” by I. A. Goncharov) was devoted to the research of the phraseological units role in the genre of the traveling sketch in historical aspect. As the representative of the Czech school of the phraseological units in a public discourse studying M. Dobrova made the report about the functioning of Russian phraseology in the discourse space of the Internet in which revealed the main features of the phraseological units using in the Internet communication.

At a final meeting the conference results were summed up, the main vectors of the phraseological units studying in modern science were planned.

© Shcheglova E. A., 2017