Четверг, 23 январяИнститут «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций» СПбГУ

Автор: I. V. Annenkova (Moscow, Russia)

The System of Russian Contemporary Media Discourse Media Toposes as a Reflection and a Transformation of Russian Cultural Archetypes

2019. Том 6, № 1, Медиатекст: структура, композиция, векторы обновления
The article focuses on a discussion that the media rhetoric approach to the study of modern practices in media discourse should be included in a new paradigm of linguistic disciplines concentrated on the person speaking. The problem of formation of media topics in modern media is discussed on the basis of existing archetypical toposes of Russian culture. Interpretation and transformation of the national system of topics are one of the sides of the strategic activities of modern media, forming a new picture of the world, the media picture of the world. The example of ʻUkraineʼ as a new media topos is used to understand the processes of change in mental dominant of contemporary consciousness of Russians. Verbal play related to the sphere of this media topos demonstrates primarily targeting of such a speech behavioral dominant as aggression and is expressed in a creative invective. Such discursive practice becomes normal for Russian-speaking environment (especially on the Internet) and c...


2015, № 1 (6), Медиатекст: структура, композиция, векторы обновления
РИТОРИЧЕСКАЯ МОДАЛЬНОСТЬ КАК КОНСТАНТА МЕДИАТЕКСТА Риторическая модальность определяется как важнейшая перлокутивная характеристика текстов медиадискурса. Она присуща любым медиатекстам независимо от их жанровой принадлежности. Для медиадискурса характерна единая гипермодальность, которая может быть описана как формирование целостной медийной картины мира в сознании адресата, которая отличается дискретностью и дополняет объективную картину мира. Abstract Rhetorical modality can be defined as the major perlocutionary issue of media discourse texts. It is intrinsic to all mass media texts irrespective of their genre affiliation: genre is a secondary asset in formation of media text rhetorical modality. Media discourse has a single rhetorical hypermodality that can be described as a formation of the only real picture of the world of an addressee, his mass media picture. The media picture is discrete, un-real, and always introduces just a comment to the objective picture of ...